5 effective cross-promotional marketing techniques you can work on developing with your neighbors

As a small business, growing your client base within the community can be challenging. You will need all the help you can get. Local marketing partnerships can give you access to different categories of potential clients who may already be in your area, but don’t know that your product exists. One simple solution for this is cross-promotional marketing
Cross-promotional marketing can be a win-win situation – but how can you collaborate efficiently with your neighbor? What can you get in return for helping one another? How do you implement such strategies?
Depending on your business area, here are a few ideas you can work on with your neighbors to boost your cross-promotional marketing techniques.
1. Spa services
If your business is in the beauty and health industry, you may implement cross marketing strategies with spa services to get your business out there as long as your competitor caters to a different target audience or offers different services than you do. It would be counter-productive if you’d have the same services.
For example, let’s say that you offer manicures and pedicures at your salon. Many of the people coming to you like keeping their hair in tip-top shape as well. As a result, it will make sense to partner with someone that offers hair care services. Therefore, cross promotion efforts help.
You may set up brochures in the meeting rooms or arrange for employee exchange. You may offer full packages for clients that want both their hair and nails done. You can send each other professional stylists, cross promoting one another’s services.
2. Restaurant gift cards
Restaurant gift cards can also be one of the effective cross marketing ideas. The advantage is that this method can help you get more clients, regardless of the industry that you are in.
For example, if you sell desserts at a bakery, you may offer gift cards at restaurants in your area. These restaurants may or may not sell similar products, but may provide gift cards in which they vouch for your sweets. Their customers can come to your bakery to use the cards and you have the chance to expand your client base.
Gift cards may also be given as rewards for contests. For instance, if someone buys a gift card, they may be automatically signed up for a contest that you or your partner are holding. This can help advertise both of your services.
3. Automotive services
Automotive services can also be developed with cross promotion marketing in mind. A good idea here would be to collaborate with companies that can offer different maintenance services. You may consider setting up coupon codes or flyers for those that used your service.
For instance, let’s say that you own an automotive dealership or car rental company. You may start a partnership with a carwash that offers full maintenance. If someone hires one of your cars, you may give them coupon codes for the car wash, in case they want it cleaned.
In return, the car wash can offer coupon codes for your rental services. This can be particularly effective if their clients need to leave their car in the wash for the day.
4. Complimentary offer fitness memberships
The fitness world holds a lot of potential for cross-promotion. If you have a gym, you may collaborate with someone that sells gym gear. You may offer brochures for your gym members that suggest ideas for personal purchases or gifts, advertising your partner’s products.
In return, they may offer coupon codes for memberships at your gym. For example, someone that buys weights might be interested in building muscles. Once your partner vouches for you, people may be more likely to try your services.
5. Webinars
Webinars are some of the best things that you and your neighbors can work on together. They can cover a wide range of topics across multiple industries. For example, if you are in the health and fitness domain, you may talk about daily routines or dietary advice.
During webinars, you may present products that you are trying to sell as suggestions. If you own a gym, maybe you have a neighboring business that sells protein shakes. You can partner with them and recommend the products at appropriate times throughout the webinar.
When you share the webinar on your page, those interested might check up on the business that you collaborated with. Likewise, when they share the webinar on their page, you will become connected to their client base.
The bottom line
Cross-marketing is a great way to get access to clients in your area. By reaching out beyond your borders, you can boost your sales volume and improve brand recognition. You just need to find the right partner to collaborate with.