Naming a Yoga Studio: Choosing a Name That Reflects Your Branding Strategy

More than ever, people are seeking healthy alternatives to their normal lifestyle. Buzzworthy yoga studios are one of America’s favorite ways to relax, unwind, and stay toned. In 2016, nearly 37 million people regularly practiced yoga. It goes without saying that yoga studios are more and more popular in the last two years as a way to get fit and stay mindful.If you’ve ever dreamed of opening a yoga studio, you’ve probably wondered how best to choose a name for it. Not only is your name important to market what you’re about, but it should fit with your ethos and branding strategy.We’ll look at some of the best ways to determine a name for your studio, and how this should coincide with your overall brand strategy. Read on, yogis.
Ask the Tough Questions
Yoga is fun – the complete and total zen one achieves while practicing is an amazing way to realign your beliefs and zone out. For regular yogis, taking the time to practice yoga is as important as drinking enough water, or getting enough sleep. If you consider yourself a regular practitioner of yoga, you could consider starting your own studio. But you’ve got to make sure you’re asking yourself the tough questions as to why you’d like to open one in the first place.With great popularity comes great competition. Because of yoga’s increasing popularity, you’ll likely not be the only yoga studio in your area, unless you’re extremely rural. And if you’re extremely rural, will your area have enough traffic to help grow a budding studio? If you’re opening a yoga studio against 4 other within a mile radius, reconsider what’s the best move for your investment.After asking yourself if you’re in the right location, consider the costs. Opening any boutique fitness studio can prove to be pricey, and many don’t consider all of the additional finances that come into play. We’re talking staffing, equipment, maintenance, and regular marketing services. All of these will eventually help you become the amazing yoga boutique you’re aiming to be, but in the meantime, they may build up.If you’re still interested in opening a yoga studio, it’s probably because you have a passion for yoga that outweighs any small hindrances. You’re on the path to becoming an awesome owner, but first, you’ve got to find out the best way to go about naming your studio.How can OneFitStop help your boutique fitness studio? Request a Demo to learn more.
Something Meaningful, and Relevant
People will never connect with a brand that simply does what they do to make money. The ethos or “belief” saying behind a brand creates customers and turns them into advocates for your brand. Think about it: you’d much rather have customers that say you inspire them than your service is adequate. Find something that connects you to yoga and communicates why you’re in the fitness industry. Did you take a specific trip that solidified your love for yoga? In what stage do you feel most connected to those around you? And finally, is it simple to read, pronounce, and unique?Don’t kill your business by choosing a name that intimidates others. For example, would Hellfire Yoga make sense when your focus is on realigning, stretching, and clearing the mind? It’s simple: find a few meaningful words that inspire you, and will continue to inspire others.
Branding A Yoga Studio
Naming your yoga studio is only one step in the process of creating a “brand feel”. Next, you’ll need to decide on an overall strategy that will evoke every element of your studio.The branding behind your yoga studio includes your logo, advertising, and media kit. These are the recognizable factors of your yoga studio and should be unique to you. The best way to envoke a successful brand feel is to consider why you do what you do. This is how customers will relate to you first and foremost.The why behind your brand is the difference between why certain customers will initially support you vs. your competitors. Outline some of the key differences between you and your studio and theirs, and create a brand message that speaks to that. Involved in community efforts? Speak to that in your weekly sessions. Did you get into yoga because of a hard time in your life? Share that with your customers and allow them to relate to you on a more personal level.Your branding is essential and should be taken just as seriously as your marketing, advertising, and actual classes offered.How can OneFitStop help your boutique fitness studio? Request a Demo to learn more.