Spin bikes: what to consider when choosing the right brand for your spin studio

Arguably the most important part of any spin studio—the spin bikes—aren’t as simple to buy as you may think. There are several different factors to consider when choosing the right brand and type of spin bike for your studio.Picking out high quality and effective spin bikes can help your customers have a stronger and yet more comfortable workout. Since the rise of spin studio classes across the country, there are now bikes specifically designed for studio classes. The good news: there are hundreds of different brands and versions of spin bikes to purchase. The bad news: there are HUNDREDS of different brands and versions of spin bikes to purchase.We'll help you navigate the best option for you and your studios' needs.
Unlike those who are looking to buy spin bikes for their home, as a spin studio, you have the advantage of buying bikes in wholesale. That being said, you should still be aware of your particular budget and the range of prices spin bikes can come in. Are you on an extremely tight budget and are looking to buy less expensive (yet lower quality) bikes to get your business off the ground? Or are you willing to put in some extra cash for higher quality bikes that will last you for years? If you have the budget available, it’s always a good idea to buy higher quality bikes that will last for many years. By doing this you can save money in the long run, because your maintenance cost will be relatively low and you won’t find yourself having to replace the bikes after only a couple of years.The cost of spin bikes can range anywhere from $150 per bike to $1000 per bike. A lot of factors go into the pricing of bikes such as the brand name you’re paying for, the durability and construction of the bike, and its features. Before you consider buying bikes for your spin studio know how much money you have to spend and consider saving money by buying higher quality bikes in bulk.
As a spin studio owner, choosing the right spin bike is crucial when it comes to the quality of your customers’ workouts. The most basic spin bikes are the most budget-friendly and often come with nothing more than the saddle, pedals, and handlebar. While these bikes will surely get the job done, there aren’t any bells or whistles there to enhance a workout. Most spin studio clients claim that additional features on the spin bike itself help to motivate them during a workout. A display screen is generally the defining feature between a basic bike and a higher end one. Display screens are great for giving your customers visual motivation by providing insights into their workout like calories burned, distance covered, and time elapsed.Another often overlooked feature of spin bikes is the flywheel. You will find that the flywheel on most budget bikes is between 20lbs to 35lbs. Having a heavier flywheel will provide more momentum in the workout and engage the muscles. Having a flywheel over 40lbs will provide your customers with the option to really challenge themselves during workouts and feel the burn they want. How can OneFitStop help your boutique fitness studio? Request a Demo to learn more.
Resistance and Comfort
It’s essential that your spin bikes offer the option to choose your own tension level. While the majority of bikes on the market today have this, there are a few budget bikes that don't. Tension level is what customers will increase as they become more familiar and comfortable with the workout. When customers have the ability to choose their own tension level they can sustain longer workouts. This creates a unique funnel for you as a business owner. They work their way up from beginner to an advanced level and have more control over their experience. When looking for spin bikes, be aware that there are two different types of braking and resistance mechanisms.Magnetic—Bikes with this type of mechanism work by using a series of magnets to set the tension. As these magnets move closer to the flywheel, the tension is increased and pedaling becomes more difficult. These types of bikes are often preferred by veteran spinners because they allow a higher level of tension to be set. These bikes also allow for different type of terrain settings like uphill or downhill. Models with magnetic braking usually last longer because there are no friction pads and less wear and tear.Belt Drives—Spin studios sometimes prefer bikes that use belt drives because they offer the lowest tension levels and are quiet, unlike their magnetic counterparts. Belt drive bikes are considered the more basic model of spin bikes and are often more budget friendly. Because these bikes use chains or belts to join the pedals and crank, they can cause slightly more wear and tear. The good news is that these bikes are easily adjustable and simple to maintain.
Popular Brands
While a brand name shouldn’t be the first thing you look for in a spin bike, it can be a marker of popularity and quality – and your clients may notice. Below are five popular spin bike brands ranging from budget-friendly to high-end price ranges.
- Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B901 ($150 to $300)
- Schwinn IC2 ($300 to $400)
- Spinner Fit ($400 to $500)
- Sole Fitness SB700 ($500 to $1000)
- Keiser M3 Plus ($1000+)
When choosing the right brand of spin bike for your studio, keep in mind budget, special features, mechanics, and comfort. Remember that the spin bikes are what make the spin studio. It's worth it to take your time and do extensive field research to find the best brand for you.How can OneFitStop help your boutique fitness studio? Request a Demo to learn more.